
When Legal Custodians Move Out Of State

When legal custodians move out of state, the other parent can fight back.  However, there may be good reasons for the move.  Often, a parent will be presented with an opportunity to move elsewhere.  Common reasons include a better job opportunity for themselves or their spouse, or moving closer to[…]

When Child Support Ends

When subject to a child support, one may ask when child support ends?  Does child support stop when a child turns eighteen?  Child support terminates or ends in a number of circumstances.  Ohio Revised Code 3119.88 (R.C. 3119.88) outlines the reasons why child support terminates.  The statute says that the[…]

Involuntary Divorce

I am often asked if you can force your spouse into a divorce.  In other words, is involuntary divorce available?  Many parties get divorced by agreement, otherwise known as a dissolution.  While getting divorced by agreement can be less expensive, save time, and be less emotionally draining, sometimes the parties[…]

Legal Custodian Rights

In a case that I argued before the Ninth District Court of Appeals, the court issued an important ruling on legal custodian rights.  In this case, the court of appeals decided when a children services agency files a complaint against a legal custodian that can lead to temporary or permanent custody,[…]